Autor |
Sõnum |
Vana Pingviin

Vanus: 38
Liitunud: 14.03.2007
Postitused: 506
Asukoht: Pärnu
Distributsioon: Ubuntu 8.10, Elementary OS(Ubuntu 12.04)

Vana Pingviin

Vanus: 39
Liitunud: 08.08.2005
Postitused: 4359
Asukoht: Tallinn (vahel ka Virtsu)
Distributsioon: Mageia, Debian, CentOS

postitatud: 14.09.2011, 14:10 postituse pealkiri:
(teema puudub)
Nagu ka juhend ju ütleb, tuleb see probleem korrastada Windowsi kaudu..
Vana Pingviin

Vanus: 38
Liitunud: 14.03.2007
Postitused: 506
Asukoht: Pärnu
Distributsioon: Ubuntu 8.10, Elementary OS(Ubuntu 12.04)

postitatud: 14.09.2011, 17:56 postituse pealkiri:
(teema puudub)
sander85 kirjutas: < Vali > | Nagu ka juhend ju ütleb, tuleb see probleem korrastada Windowsi kaudu.. |
Nii ma ka lõpuks tegin, kui windowsiga arvuti taha sain.
Aga, leidsin pärast ka sellise õpetuse Tsitaat: < Vali > < Laienda > |
My partition hdc1 had the same problem in Knoppix (would have persisted in Ubuntu of course)
Sadly, booting Windows was not an option because I am stubborn.
Fortunately, I was able to do this instead:
sudo -i
ntfsfix /dev/hdc1
ntfs-3g /dev/hdc1 /mnt/ntfs -o force
Before you do this, make sure the device is not mounted (then again could it be mounted?? lol)
The first line is like a "su" or sudoing the next two things.
The third line failed, despite which I was able to mount on subsequent attempts (although I used the GUI so I can't say what command exactly - it isn't relevant.)
I hope this helps someone in the future.
Use it at your own risk, your mileage may vary etc.
Still, if you're fearless and you can't afford to boot Windows, this MIGHT be appropriate. rtfm etc. |