Sain siis täna paari paha üllatuse osaliseks. Osadel vanadel gw-del on teatud toiminguteks peal vanad clami versioonid. Vanemad kui 0.95 versioonid aga ei tööta alates 15.aprill 2010...
Kes veel ei ole kontrollinud, siis viimane aeg kontrollida!
this is a reminder that starting from 15 April 2010 our CVD will contain
a special signature which disables all clamd installations older than
0.95 - that is to say older than 1 year.
We would like to keep on supporting all old versions of our engine, but
unfortunately this is no longer possible without causing a disservice to
people running a recent release of ClamAV.
For more information please refer to the original announcement: