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Vanus: 38
Liitunud: 12.02.2008
Postitused: 1
Asukoht: Pärnu
Mure siis järgmine, et arvutit käivitades, kui ilmub ette Ubuntu logo ja laadimisriba, siis laadimine jääb pikaks ajaks seisma. Peale mõne ajast seismist viskab ette sihukes kirja: /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turned off
Oskab äkki keegi asidata?
Päeval töötas korralikult aga õhtul enam Ubuntu ei kävitunud. Tegu muidu Ubuntu 7.04 ja installitud on läbi Wupi, teine OS on WinXP.
PS. Elus esimest korda kasutan Linuxil põhinevat OS'i
Vana Pingviin
Liitunud: 16.04.2006
Postitused: 1284
Distributsioon: Fedora/Centos
After reading the MANY replies and posts in this thread so far, it's clear that the error message in the subject line can occur for MANY different specific reasons. What all of these reasons seem to have in common is that the new 2.6.20-15 kernel used by Fiesty chokes when it encounters hardware or combinations of hardware that its boot-up routines aren't coded to handle properly. When it chokes, it almost always spits out that error message at the end. Solving your particular issue or finding a workaround for it may require a lot of time and patience, if you ever solve it all. Many have posted solutions that worked for them and many haven't found an answer. It's probably a good idea to post your hardware and how it's connected when you add to the thread. That way if you find an answer for yourself, someone else with a similar set-up can try your solution. (I plan to edit this post with more specific hardware info later as well.)
Ehk siis proovi uuendada 7.10 peale kui võimalik või tee uus install kasutades 7.10-t
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