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Vana Pingviin

Vanus: 50
Liitunud: 16.07.2007
Postitused: 1106
Distributsioon: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bit

_________________ Olen umbkeelne mulk ja ei saa võõrastest keeltest piisavalt aru
Vana Pingviin

Vanus: 54
Liitunud: 28.12.2007
Postitused: 1456
Asukoht: Otsige mind kolmandalt planeedilt...
Distributsioon: Lubuntu, Bodhi, Feren OS

With all these advanced enterprise UNIX features though, OpenSolaris still isn’t quite as polished as its Linux cousins. For example, to get something as simple as SAMBA working, it requires creating a ZFS storage pool in the command line interface and executing a bunch of Solarisy-mumbo jumbo in addition to downloading SAMBA thru the OpenSolaris package manager, IPS (IPS is similar to other network aware package managers such as Debian’s and Ubuntu’s aptitude, or Fedora’s YUM). On Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution, this is as simple as making an edit to /etc/samba/smb.conf and restarting the /etc/init.d/samba daemon. This is even easier to with most Linux-based configuration GUI’s where you don’t even need to touch the command line to make basic stuff work.
Additionally a lack of compiled packages when compared to Linux can also can make for a frustrating experience. While IPS is an excellent system and the Package Manager GUI on OpenSolaris is workable (although I would have preferred they ported the Debian/Ubuntu package GUI, Synaptic, instead of reinventing the wheel with a 1.0 flaky interface) and the pkg command itself is pretty robust — the main OpenSolaris repository only has about 1200 unique packages on it, which is a pittance compared to what is available for Ubuntu, OpenSUSE or Fedora. While 3rd-party IPS repositories such as Sunfreeware and BlastWave are sprouting up, it will take a long time for OpenSolaris to gain comparable inertia and an end-user following until the system is at package parity with popular Linux distributions.
Vana Pingviin

Liitunud: 09.10.2006
Postitused: 634
Distributsioon: Big Strong D...

Tsitaat: | Open Source UNIX x86-compatible operating systems are nothing new. The various BSD OSes have had a loyal but niche following for years. FreeBSD , NetBSD and OpenBSD are the major derivatives. Not surprisingly, ideological differences and personality clashes between FreeBSD’s founders and contributors have created fractionalization and compatibility issues between the various BSDs, which has confused the landscape and limited BSD’s adoption. To further complicate matters, Apple has even released the source code of Mac OS X’s BSD-based UNIX core as the “Darwin” project and an installable distribution for Darwin even exists as GNU Darwin. |
Mis ühilduvusprobleemidest siin jutt käib üldse? Kõik BSDlised vahetavad omavahel koodi ja iga BSD on spetsiaalselt mingi turunižži jaoks valmistatud. OpenBSD on suuremal osal ruuterites aga see ei tähenda, et teda desktopil kasutada ei saa, FreeBSD on massiliselt kasutusel webhostingutes ja failiserverites, NetBSD on igasugustes embedded seadmetes.
Tsitaat: | Despite a loyal following among research academia, vertical systems integrators and some Internet service providers, the BSDs never really caught with end users like Linux has. To further add to BSD’s woe, no BSD-based OS has made significant inroads into the enterprise - only the System V based UNIX OSes, such as Sun’s Solaris, IBM’s AIX and HP’s HP-UX now occupy that coveted mid-range and high-end space. Before pursuing its litigious path of self-destruction, even SCO’s UnixWare and OpenServer System V OSes for x86 had some decent vertical penetration into the retail industry. And before they abandoned their native IRIX System V platform for Linux, SGI also had a large toehold in the supercomputing and CGI industry. |
Tüüpiline Linuxi kasutaja FUD bsd kohta. Isegi Cisco IOS baseerub BSD koodil ning ta sponsoreerib paljusid BSD projekte. See, et SINA ei tea, et SINU rösteris on kasutusel BSD, ei tähenda, et teda kuskil ei ole.
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